Taylor Abstract













Henry T. Taylor opened the doors to Taylor Abstract Company in 1889.  At the time Mr. Taylor was the Register of Deeds of Pawnee County, Kansas, and saw a need for title services.  The purpose of the business was to compile a history of certain properties from the public records to give purchasers and mortgage companies an accurate summation of ownership, taxes and judgments on those properties.  Mr. Taylor also offered casualty insurance products and, after Railroad Savings & Loan began in 1896, he took on the role as an agent for that company.

By 1918, Henry’s son, Ralph E. Taylor, took over the operation of the business and continued in his father’s foot steps offering abstract, insurance and savings and loan products.  Ralph was an active member in the Larned Community and also served as Treasurer for the local school board.

Ralph’s son, H. T. (Harry) Taylor was born in 1918. He graduated from Larned High School in 1937, was an Eagle Scout and was elected Lieutenant Governor of the first Boys State of Kansas which was held at Wichita State University.  He attended Kansas University in 1941 and then volunteered for the Army Air Corps.  He flew 66 missions in the European theater in WWII and after a brief time in Denton, Texas, he returned to Larned in 1947 to join in the family business with is his father.  Ralph and H. T. formed a partnership offering the same products until 1975 when H. T. took over as sole proprietor.

In 1980, Deborah Lewis joined H. T. as Secretary and Office Manager of the business.
Deborah had always been interested in history and was drawn to the research involved in abstracting.  After receiving her abstract and title insurance licenses, in 1985, Harry and Deborah formed a partnership.   By 1985, Harry had concentrated his efforts in the abstracting and savings and loan fields and the company no longer offered casualty insurance lines.  In 1984, a new product, title insurance, was added to the products offered by the company.  Harry served as President of the Kansas Land Title Association in 1993-1994.

Sandra Moffet joined the staff of Taylor Abstract and Railroad Savings in 1994.  Sandra was a certified appraiser and had been a real estate agent for Clock Realty for many years.  In 1997, Taylor Abstract & Title Co., Inc. was formed with H. T. Taylor, Deborah Lewis and Sandra Moffet becoming the stock holders of the corporation.  H. T. passed away in 2002.  Deborah served as President of the Kansas Land Title Association in 2005-2006.  The company is now owned by Deborah Lewis, President, and Sandra Moffet, Vice President.